Hear about the Committee's activities and achievements of the past 12 months, gain some insights into the future, meet your new Committee and farewell outgoing committee members at this year's Annual General Meeting. Formalities (usually brief!) will be followed by raising a glass for a hearty Happy Birthday WITH, complete with delicious cake of course!

About us

When women connect, women succeed.

Women in Tourism & Hospitality Tasmania was founded in 2009 to provide support, mentoring and networking opportunities for women in our industries.

It's about connecting, sharing and friendship.


Get connected with other women working in your field in a welcoming, supportive environment.

Share experiences, contacts and expertise with those who understand your industry.

Join now for membership through to 31 August 2025


Our events are all aimed to inspire, motivate, inform and in a welcoming atmosphere for connecting and sharing.

To view our upcoming and past events, please visit our events page.