In addition to providing providing $1,000 (or more) for the annual student scholarship over the years, WITH Tas has supported a number of causes, many focussed on women.
- 2023/2024: Small Steps, Hobart City Mission - screen doors for their live-in units, fresh air in, bugs out for the mums and bubs at Small Steps!
- 2022/23: Small Steps, Hobart City Mission - commercial dryer for the young mums and their children at Small Steps.
- 2021/2: Small Steps, Hobart City Mission - 2 x washing machines for young mothers at Small Steps.
- 2020: Wellspring Anglican Church's Show Hope Campaign - sanitary items for COVID-19 impacted international students.
- 2019: Hobart Women's Shelter
- 2017: RSPCA's Safe Beds for Pets program which allows families to leave domestic violence situations not fearing for the safety of their pets.
- 2016: Sexual Assault Support Services
- 2012: RSPCA
- 2011: Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary - supporting the development of a Wildlife Curriculum
- 2011: Queensland Flood Appeal - $600
- 2010: Breast Cancer Network of Australia (Tasmanian Division)