Tasmanian Women’s Plan 2012-17
Call for survey participants and written submissions
Women and girls play many important roles in the Tasmanian community. The Tasmanian Women’s Plan 2012-17 will provide a guiding framework to help ensure that Government actions are responsive to the needs of women and girls and are representative of their views.
To help inform the Plan, the Community Development Division in the Department of Premier and Cabinet is undertaking a survey of Tasmanian women and girls. The survey covers a number of areas including economic security, financial independence, education and training, health and wellbeing, housing, leadership, safety and justice.
In addition to the survey, you are invited to submit further comments by filling in a written submission.
Your responses will help us identify what Tasmanian women and girls see as the most important issues and where the Government may need to expand its efforts. You will help shape the Government’s response to issues for Tasmanian women and girls for the next five years and into the future.
Both the survey and written submission are anonymous. You can choose to go into a draw for your choice of a $50 Coles Myer or iTunes voucher by providing your email address. This will not be linked to your survey or submission response.
To take the survey – click on the following link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/taswomensplan
A copy of the written submission template is attached to this email.
Both the survey and the written submission template can also be accessed on the Community Development Division website at the following address:
If you would like to talk to someone further about the Tasmanian Women’s Plan 2012-17 please contact Purcelle Fox-Hughes on 6232 7099 or Georgina Newton on 6232 7166.